Grands vins de Bourgogne
The culture of wine has been shared and passed down the Jeannot family for two generations. Their passion and experience have been preserved through time to give the estate the distinction that it deserves.
Our estate has been steadily growing since 1997 and now spreads over many hectares of vines. Over time, we have built a collection fit for the international market.
Quentin acquired his knowledge and experience of wine at the winemaking school in Davayé near Mâcon. He was fresh out of high school when he started helping out his parents with the family’s vineyards.

Meursault, Bourgogne

Our roots run deep in Meursault, Burgundy. Our village is an essential stop on Burgundy’s world-famous wine route, the Route des Grands Crus, renowned for its outstanding wines and its history.
The main square in Meursault is well remembered in France as the scene of a national treasure of a film – Gerard Oury’s French liberation comedy La Grande Vadrouille (released in the UK under the title Don’t look now… we’re being shot at!). Further down is the castle of Meursault, which was built in the 11th century. Every year, it hosts the giant banquet of the Meursault Paulée, a tradition created in 1923 by then mayor Jules Lafon as a closing celebration to Burgundy’s most prestigious yearly wine festival, the Trois Glorieuses. Winemakers, merchants, clients and friends come together each year to celebrate the end of a weekend of festivities centered around the prestigious wine auction of the Hospices de Beaune.
The Domaine isn’t far off Meursault’s old Romanesque medieval hospital (Léproserie de Meursault). This historic site was founded in the 12th century by Duke Hugues II of Burgundy. The hospital was dedicated to caring for the sick and poor, and especially for those who had contracted leprosy.